Vagh-vagh Sahaab

Mister Bow Wow
Sadeq Hedayat & Mas`ud Farzad

Appendices by S. Hedayat, M. Farzad, H. Yaghma'i, A. Moqaddam and N. Pakdaman
Illustrated by Ardeshir Mohasses

cover design of Vaq-vaq Sahaab cover design of Vaq-vaq Sahaab

open book This book is the second edition of Hedayat's satirical work, Vagh-vagh Sahaab (Mister Bow Wow). Hedayat was by nature good at satire. In this book, he uses his sense of humor to give vent to his frustrations against individuals or social categoties whom he held in deep contempt.

This book was first printed by The Roschenai Press (Tehran, September 1934). The publisher of the second edition is Cesmandaz. Appendices include collections of texts by S. Hedayat, M. Farzad, H. Yaghma'i, A. Moqaddam and N. Pakdaman. Illustrations are by A. Mohasses.

Title: Vagh-vagh Sahaab(Mr. Bow Wow)
Appendices: collections of texts by S. Hedayat, M. Farzad, H. Yaghma'i, A. Moqaddam and N. Pakdaman
Published by Cesmandaz.
Place: B.P. 100, 94303 Vincennes cedex, France
Date: 2002

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